As February draws to a close, we're taking a moment to celebrate our accomplishments so far this year, and planning for what's ahead. EduCanNation was nominated for an award for best educator, our membership is up and running for year two, we're continuing to offer education for our members and the public, and we're highlighting elevated educators, like Alexis Burnett, who authors a piece about educating on why cannabis is a gateway to herbalism. Learn about his upcoming courses below.

For a version of the ECN Digest with clickable links, please download this PDF version:
Links from within the newsletter:
Vote for EduCanNation as best educator (and support the other nominees) at the CannExpo Cannabis community & influencer award (voting ends feb 28th!):
Join ECN for our first LIVE masterclass of the year : Making Effective Herbal Infused Oils:
Buy a copy of "Homegrown Cannabis" by Alexis Burnett of Organigrow Canada:
Email Alexis Burnett:
Register for the medicine making course:
Register for the home growers course:
Learn more about EduCanNation: